Open Your Creative Potential. Inspire Yourself!

Open your creative potential from Maria Rozhkova.

Episode 4. Creative Potential

Today I tell you how to open your creative potential. There are 5 points how to do it very easy. Doesn’t matter where you are working now – in office or on freelancing, open your creativity is very important.

  • Point one – remember what you liked to do in the past, when you were a child. In most cases, when we were children, we were doing something that we really like.
  • Point two – try different types of art. Don’t wait for money or special curses or teachers. Just do it.
  • Third point – stop judging yourself.
  • Point four – find something that inspires you – music, people, nature etc. It’ll help you.
  • And my last advice – continue to dream and imagine what kind of creative potential you want to have in the future.

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Career Growth and Understanding You Maria RozhkovaWatch the video with Мария Рожкова (Maria Rozhkova). You are welcome to ask Maria any questions.





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