Cyprus HR Talking with Oleg Zakharchenko: CEO at TopAssistant

Cyprus HR Talking continues interviewing people related to HR activity in Cyprus. Today we meet Oleg Zakharchenko – CEO TopAssistant. Oleg shares with us his experience in recruiting specialists for Cyprus companies and give you answers you might ask about working remotely in Cyprus.

How would you describe the job market in Cyprus and why should you look for specialists for Cyprus companies in Russia?

We recruit specialists for Cyprus companies with “Russian roots”. In most cases, these companies are in IT and hotel business. It’s economically efficient to use employees who work remotely. It’s connected with Cyprus procedures of hiring of non-residents and property rental prices. The benefits of employees who work remotely are that you don’t see them but they exist.

What are the most requested specialists and the ones in short supply in your industry?

If to talk about IT, it’s a lack of all kind of specialists and most of them can work remotely. For hotel business: professionals in promotion and finance.

What kind of specialists is difficult to find in Cyprus?

All specialists that we hunt.

Any difficulties you meet during the recruiting process?

There no any difficulties. Or we don’t notice them. We have very strict scheme of work of our recruiting department. For every vacancy there is a special method of recruiting.

How should CVs look like to get your attention?

First of all, it should be in general. Preferably with a photo, 2-3 pages are enough. In this case, we, like a recruiting company, will explore all CVs that we get. But if a candidate goes straight to the company, he should pay more attention to a CV.

What are the main qualities you want to see in your candidates?

Skills are very important. To meet all vacancy requirements also are necessary. For example, if we are talking about programmer, his main experience should be in a specific programming language. If we are looking for a sales manager, the main skill that we expect is ability to sell.

What kind of interview do you prefer: simple dialogue, professional tests, or stress interview?

It depends upon a position. Stress interview we usually hold with brittle in appearance business assistants of TOP managers. Their stress resistance should be on the maximum level. Only in this way this candidate will go for an interview in a company.

What is the funniest story you had with a candidate?

Of course, we have a lot of them. For example, there were two persons on a photo attached to a CV. They were standing together. Still we don’t know exactly, who was the candidate.

oleg zakharchenkoOleg Zakharchenko


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