Gas Production in Cyprus

In a move that could help turn the Mediterranean region into a significant hub for gas production, plus create hundreds of new jobs for the island’s on and off-shore workers, Royal Dutch Shell Plc is looking to process natural gas from Cyprus and Israel. Sources report that Shell is undergoing negotiations to combine the output of Cyprus’ Aphrodite gas reserves with natural gas from Israel. Then, to forward it further to an Egyptian LNG plant.

Region cooperation

Recent gas finds off Cyprus, Israel and Lebanon, along with Egypt’s massive Zohr field, could prove to be the first steps towards creating a hugely profitable gas production centre right on Europe’s front door. And combining the output from gas fields which share major investors, has excellent potential to improve the ROI of the joint venture.

The transport of natural gas to Egypt is a steadfast goal for the Cyprus government. And plans have already been submitted towards achieving that goal. After that, the proposals will see the transport of gas from the Leviathan field to Cyprus, the addition of natural gas from the island, and the subsequent forwarding and delivery to Egypt.

Direct Israeli imports to Egyptian companies have eased the current situation. So, the government considers the plan to be an essential step in Cyprus’ exposure to global gas markets.

Gas hope

In 2011, the US company Noble Energy discovered an estimated 4.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in Cyprus’ offshore Aphrodite field.  In a recent announcement, the American energy giant ExxonMobil aired plans to further explore sea regions southwest of the island in the second half of 2018.

The news comes as a breath of fresh air to anyone looking for on or offshore work in Cyprus’ natural gas industry. Demand for skilled and non-skilled workers will rise dramatically. As result, the improvements on employment level expect further boost the island’s overall economy. If you’re seeking work in the oil and natural gas sector, then be sure to check out our job listings at So, we bring you the latest jobs with regular updates, along with all the information you need to get hired fast.

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Photo by Oliver Paaske on Unsplash

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