IT Jobs in Cyprus

it jobs in cyprus

Cyprus is not only a beautiful island with a fabulous climate and friendly people. It also has a vibrant and growing IT industry. Salaries for IT professionals are quite high in Cyprus. And, as many companies are relocating there, the range of jobs is quite wide.

What IT jobs are available in Cyprus?

Nowadays, on the island you find such IT companies as Wargaming, Game Factory Interactive, MetaQuotes, 3CX, Amdocs, AVG, FMT, NCR, OpenWay, TSYS etc. Moreover, the last few years have seen a strong trend of Ukrainian and Russian IT and software companies relocating to Cyprus. There are a wide range of jobs available, from basic graduate software engineering positions to more advanced developer and programming roles. More senior project management roles also come up quite frequently, offering opportunities for career progression and development within the industry.

There’s a good chance that you will see a position in IT in Cyprus that fits your experience and skillset with one of the many IT companies located here.

Qualifications and visa requirements

The qualifications required vary depending on the IT jobs in Cyprus that you’re applying for. Although most companies have English-speaking staff, you will need a basic grasp of the language if you’re applying for work with a Russian or Ukrainian firm. Fortunately, programming language is universal, so your qualifications will translate directly as long as they fit the role. Graduates in a relevant IT course will have the advantage over those who are self-taught.

Don’t forget that Cyprus is a Forex center with hundreds companies offering trading online services. To secure its functioning there is a strong demand for IT personnel such as developers, programmers, Metatrader or other trading platform administrators, server monitoring assistant and others.

Once you have secured a job, many companies will arrange your visa and other immigration paperwork for you. Although it is still advisable to ask an immigration agent with relevant experience in the area for help to avoid any delays and complications.

In conclusion

The IT jobs market in Cyprus is wide and varied. There are plenty of well-paid positions for experienced IT professionals. Cyprus is such a great place to live and work that competition tends to be strong. But don’t give up if you are not successful at first.

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Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

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