Continuous Professional Development

continious professional development

Previously people could hope that their education and skills would last for life. However, now education creates only a basis for a career. If you are not interested in continious professional development now, your skills quickly become obsolete.

There are four main reasons why the development and improvement of a professional qualification is important:

  1. Rapid technological changes
  2. Changes in requirements to employees
  3. Lack of skills
  4. Constant organizational changes

Rapid technological changes

Rapid technological changes are based on the development of information technologies. It is also accompanied by significant changes in the economy and work responsibilities.

The traditional requirements for employees have changed, new jobs have emerged, especially in the service sector, telecommunications and information technology. Now about 70% of jobs involve mental work and less than 30% – physical. Whereas fifty years ago the ratio was the opposite. Consequently, the willingness to change and adapt becomes the most important requirement for the employee.

Changes in requirements to employees

Sufficient skills and experience at the time of hiring do not guarantee that due to changing circumstances and the work situation it will not be necessary to improve the skills that the employee possesses.

Work and study should be inseparable. If employees do not have the opportunity to improve their skills in the workplace, their skills gradually become obsolete. This is where continious professional development steps in and solves the problem.

Lack of skills

Technological development has led to an increase in the number of qualified and knowledge-intensive jobs. The lack of qualified personnel hampers the development of business. This is quite a natural phenomenon, caused by a temporary divergence in the development of new technologies and processes and training of personnel. The immediate consequences of the lack of necessary skills are quite obvious. The delayed effect of neglecting staff development can manifest itself when the situation becomes critical.

Studies show that the greatest success is achieved by those organizations that are systematically engaged in the development of their employees and spend enough money for training. Expanding internal opportunities and increasing staff flexibility, the company prevents shortages of qualified employees. And of course, such companies are less susceptible to short-term changes in the economy.

 Constant organizational changes

Over the past decade, most organizations have undergone significant changes. Typically, this is due to the transition from hierarchical pyramids to groups that work on the principle of a team. The popular style of teamwork means that the staff must develop the ability to lead and work in a team. In addition, employees have to show great flexibility, working in different capacities on different tasks.

Some of the above changes probably have not touched you yet. At the same time, managers should be prepared for significant changes, which are undoubtedly on the way. Care for staff development will give people the necessary skills and confidence in their abilities to try new roles and overcome periods of uncertainty.

Continuous Professional DevelopmentKristina Lambina

Cyprus Job Market Co-owner







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